The Prometheus Trust

The Prometheus Trust

The Prometheus Trust supports education in philosophy as a way of life.
Charity number: 299648Chepstow, Gloucestershire, NP16 7AB10 Favourite(s)Charity ID: 20255

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eBay sales for charity: The Prometheus Trust

83 Item(s) that benefit this charity
  1. Perspectives on Plotinus - John Dillon
    Perspectives on Plotinus - John Dillon
  2. Chaerephon: Rethinking Platonic Characters in the Light of the Derveni Papyrus
    Chaerephon: Rethinking Platonic Characters in the Light of the Derveni Papyrus
  3. Platonism Through the Centuries
    Platonism Through the Centuries
  4. The Seven Myths of the Soul - Tim Addey
    The Seven Myths of the Soul - Tim Addey
  5. Proclus Commentary on the Timaeus of Plato (2nd of 2volumes) paperback edition
    Proclus Commentary on the Timaeus of Plato (2nd of 2volumes) paperback edition
  6. Proclus Commentary on the Timaeus of Plato - volume 1 (of 2) paperback edition
    Proclus Commentary on the Timaeus of Plato - volume 1 (of 2) paperback edition
  7. Hellenic Tantra The Theurgic Platonism of Iamblichus by Shaw 9798892800006
    Hellenic Tantra The Theurgic Platonism of Iamblichus by Shaw 9798892800006
  8. Plotinus or the Glory of Ancient Philosophy
    Plotinus or the Glory of Ancient Philosophy
  9. Proclus: Commentary on Plato's Timaeus: Volume 6, Book 5: Proclus on the Gods of
    Proclus: Commentary on Plato's Timaeus: Volume 6, Book 5: Proclus on the Gods of
  10. Works of Plato in five volumes: volume 5 by Plato (trans. Thomas Taylor)
    Works of Plato in five volumes: volume 5 by Plato (trans. Thomas Taylor)
  11. Works of Plato in five volumes - volume 3.  Translated by Thomas Taylor
    Works of Plato in five volumes - volume 3. Translated by Thomas Taylor
  12. The Greek Commentaries on Plato's  Phaedo : volume 1: Olympiodorus.
    The Greek Commentaries on Plato's Phaedo : volume 1: Olympiodorus.
  13. The Chaldean Oracles: Text, Translation and Commentary by Ruth Majercik...
    The Chaldean Oracles: Text, Translation and Commentary by Ruth Majercik...
  14. Philosophy as a Rite of Rebirth: From Ancient Egypt to Neoplatonism by Algis...
    Philosophy as a Rite of Rebirth: From Ancient Egypt to Neoplatonism by Algis...
  15. Oracles and Mysteries by Thomas Taylor (Eleusian & Bacchic Mysteries, Chaldeans)
    Oracles and Mysteries by Thomas Taylor (Eleusian & Bacchic Mysteries, Chaldeans)
  16. Works of Plato: In Five Volumes: volume 1 translated by Thomas Taylor
    Works of Plato: In Five Volumes: volume 1 translated by Thomas Taylor
  17. Proclus' Commentary on the First Book of Euclid translated by Thomas Taylor
    Proclus' Commentary on the First Book of Euclid translated by Thomas Taylor
  18. Hymns and Initiations: Trans. of  Orphic Hymns & a Treatise on Orphic Mysteries
    Hymns and Initiations: Trans. of Orphic Hymns & a Treatise on Orphic Mysteries
  19. Apuleius'  Golden Ass , or, the  Metamorphosis and other writings (Tr. T Taylor)
    Apuleius' Golden Ass , or, the Metamorphosis and other writings (Tr. T Taylor)
  20. A Flight of Souls: Invocations and Songs by Prometheus Trust (Hardback, 2014)
    A Flight of Souls: Invocations and Songs by Prometheus Trust (Hardback, 2014)